Sunday, April 13, 2014

Try to Focus on the "Good"...

All too often we get caught up in focusing on the negative of life and although it can be difficult, the best thing to do is try and find at least one positive to focus on.  Whether we realize it or not we are inadvertently putting ourselves into a negative and pessimistic mindset, which is just no way to life live. This in turn helps to guide our mood and mindset for the day which can have considerable impact on interactions and goals. Why focus on the negative when all it does and drown you in pessimism and doubt, rather then focus on positive things that motivates and drive you.

Now, like anything in life this takes practice and experience to learn and craft. So know that we all, even myself, have days were the negative overwhelms us but each day you have to try and put your best attempt forward and not let negativity conquer or determine your day.  That is why it is key to find good people to surround yourself with so that they are not draining you with negative energy but rather charging you with the positive energy they give off. Even family can be draining and you have to find a median that is manageable for your life and your serenity.

"Find the Light in Every Situation" 

So, today I ask each and everyone of you to take a moment, breath and try to find at least one positive thing in your life that you have to be thankful for and focus on it. By doing this you can change your whole mindset and perhaps even the course of your day.  So I wish you peace and harmony on this beautiful April day and look forward to my post tomorrow. 

Sincere Love,


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