Sunday, April 13, 2014

Try to Focus on the "Good"...

All too often we get caught up in focusing on the negative of life and although it can be difficult, the best thing to do is try and find at least one positive to focus on.  Whether we realize it or not we are inadvertently putting ourselves into a negative and pessimistic mindset, which is just no way to life live. This in turn helps to guide our mood and mindset for the day which can have considerable impact on interactions and goals. Why focus on the negative when all it does and drown you in pessimism and doubt, rather then focus on positive things that motivates and drive you.

Now, like anything in life this takes practice and experience to learn and craft. So know that we all, even myself, have days were the negative overwhelms us but each day you have to try and put your best attempt forward and not let negativity conquer or determine your day.  That is why it is key to find good people to surround yourself with so that they are not draining you with negative energy but rather charging you with the positive energy they give off. Even family can be draining and you have to find a median that is manageable for your life and your serenity.

"Find the Light in Every Situation" 

So, today I ask each and everyone of you to take a moment, breath and try to find at least one positive thing in your life that you have to be thankful for and focus on it. By doing this you can change your whole mindset and perhaps even the course of your day.  So I wish you peace and harmony on this beautiful April day and look forward to my post tomorrow. 

Sincere Love,


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Trust Your Intuition...It's Watching Out for You!

My question for everyone today is, How often do you trust your intuition?

I think all too often we tend to forget just how intuitive we can be and start to ignore that inner voice when it tells us things.  However, it is really the reverse that we should be doing.  More often than not your intuition is that inner subconscious mind that is warning you about something and trying to guide you in the right direction. Your intuition is something that is developed through the trial and errors of experiences and lessons learned, so embrace it and listen to it when it speaks to you. 

"Embrace Your Intuition, It Will Always Serve You Well" 

Throughout my life I have experienced much struggle, pain and loss but with this my intuition has learned to identify things that I may not see due to emotions or other things overruling my mind at the moment. So now through experience of trial and error, I have learned that listening to my intuition can help me stay focused and level-headed with situations. Perhaps, we don't realize that our unconscious mind is keeping track of everything and with this you develop a sense of being able to read situations and your intuition is that unconscious mind triggering you that alarms are going off. Now where this gets difficult is that you have to learn how to listen to your intuition and that takes practice and patience.  
I myself know just how difficult it can be to get caught up in day to day life and not listen to or see the so called "signs" that where there.  However, instead of beating yourself up because your didn't realize or see the "signs", turn it into a positive lesson that we are all human and capable of mistakes but also all capable of creating a better us tomorrow. So through this you begin to calm the chaos in your mind and truly clear some space in your mind to have the ability to listen to that inner unconscious mind.  I think all too often we are our worst critics and this is a double-edge sword, so take each day, lesson and experience with stride and know that your intuition is being developed, you just have to listen. shhhhh.......

I will close by saying that I am definitely interesting in hearing anyone stories or questions and I hope you enjoyed this post.  Have a Beautiful Day!

Sincere Love, 


Friday, April 11, 2014

Embrace the Difficulties...

My thought for today was to discuss the fact that I see so many people out there complaining about what isn't happening or what their going through without true regard for the lessons that are being taught to them.  Now, let me not take away that struggles, pain and difficulties are not fun but they are also what helps defines us as we grow and learn.

So my question to everyone is, Why not embrace the difficulties?

Ideally we all want this happily-ever after, but in all honesty we would never know what happiness was if we didn't experience pain.  What would we have to gauge happiness against if we didn't know pain, struggle and grief.  All of these experiences help to mold who you become, because whether we know it or not, how we handle situations determines what outcomes follow. I myself have experienced my fair share of struggle, pain, grief and loss and looking back I wouldn't want to change any part of it. Each experience helped me learn more about myself and what I was willing to allow in my life and when to draw a line. If we are conscious enough, we can begin to recognize patterns and help to stop behaviors and choices are we unknowingly are choosing for ourselves. I think that all to often we ignore our intuitions and logic and base decisions on pure emotions and feelings.  Which can get us into a bit of trouble.

When we act out of emotion or feelings that are for the moment we don't take into context the true magnitude of the situation and the consequences. Without using logic and intuition we can not gauge our choices on past experiences and lessons and this leads us into more troubled water. Now, this is not to say that emotions and feelings should be not taken into consideration but rather that these feelings/emotions are temporary and often fleeting.

So, today my advice for everyone is to embrace the struggle, pain and difficulties that you experience each day because whether you know it or not, tomorrow these will be the mountain peaks at which you stand atop able to embrace and know what true happiness is.

I hope that everyone enjoyed my quick thought of the day and I hope you can check back tomorrow to see what topic is being discussed.   Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule.

Sincere Love,


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hello Everyone, Welcome.

Welcome, I am excited to write my first blog post today, so I hope everyone enjoys! 

My wish is that with each post you will get to know more about me but also get to know a little bit more about yourself. I am a avid writer and poet and I love to inspire others and spark up a conversation. So for today let's get to know a few of my interests/hobbies and a few topics that I will bring up in my future blogs.

A Few of My Interests & Hobbies...

I love to write short stories, poems, and business articles.
The outdoors is one of my favorite places to be, one with nature and all it's beauty.
I am truly passionate about business and mass media communication.
I am an avid animal lover and activist, as well as organic, health enthusiast.

Future Blog Topics...

Empowering Women of Today
Expanding your Mind
Identifying Patterns in Your Life
Not Letting Emotions Overrule your Good Sense

Well, that concludes today's introduction blog post, I look forward to